Category Archives: Take Action!

Information about upcoming hearings, protests, rallies, and other ways you can take action to keep families in their homes and fight against the foreclosure crisis.

Northeastern U Law Students Host MAAPL Training on 10/28/16

Free Training to Help MA Homeowners Fight Their Foreclosure—Law Students from All Schools Invited! Northeastern Law Students invite you to a training with Grace Ross, Coordinator of the Mass. Alliance Against Predatory Lending (MAAPL), to learn how to help homeowners … Continue reading

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You Can Save Your Home from Senate #2015!

NEW DEADLINE 2/23/17 – This is the Constitutional deadline date. No Court has ruled that the legislative deadline could substitute for the Constitutional one; we expect the SJC will agree with us on a deadline of Feb. 23, 2017. KEEP … Continue reading

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Grace Ross Receives NAACP Award, Starts Fundraising Drive

MAAPL is deeply pleased to announce that the New England Area Conference of the NAACP is awarding Grace Ross–our able coordinator–their highest honor: the Chaney Goodman Schwerner Award for lifelong achievement! The NAACP didn’t just select Grace for her long-term, unyielding commitment to … Continue reading

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Action Alert: Stop Lori Cairns’ Eviction This Friday, 8/26/16!

As we all know, foreclosures are spiking again in Massachusetts. The hardest hit city and the hardest hit county is Worcester. And the Worcester Anti-Foreclosure Team (WAFT) has hit major milestones in its organizing on the ground. In response, the … Continue reading

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URGENT: Call NOW Through Sunday Night About Bill #H4553

House Bill 4553, sponsored by Rep. Tosado, is at risk of being shut down before it leaves the Legislature’s Housing Committee.  We need you to take action NOW to keep the bill moving! First, call State Rep. Kevin Honan, House … Continue reading

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Action Alert: Call-In Days on July 27-28

The legislative session is nearing a close, and MAAPL and its allies have been working hard to show the leadership in the Legislature that they need to address the foreclosure crisis before the end of this session. Thanks to the … Continue reading

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Action Alert: State Rep. Call-In Day Weds. 7/6/2016

It’s crunch time for the rights of Massachusetts residents—and our state economy! Foreclosures, which destroy lives (this crisis has taught us WHY the Constitution protects equally: “life, liberty and property”), are skyrocketing again—more than twice what they were a year … Continue reading

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Action Alert: Call-In Days for MAAPL Bills on May 11 and 12

We have some bills to get passed this Spring! MAAPL needs your help to get these important anti-foreclosure bills out of committee and onto the floor for a vote. CALL your state Senator & Representative this Wednesday or Thursday, May … Continue reading

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MAAPL Announces Attorneys’ Conference on Saturday, February 27

At the request of Massachusetts practitioners, MAAPL is organizing a foreclosure defense lawyers’ conference on Saturday, February 27th from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Law students are welcome to attend. The conference will be held at the Charles Hamilton Houston … Continue reading

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Tonight! “Black Brown Wealth Matters” at West Medford Community Center

On Monday, February 22, 2016, MAAPL Coordinator Grace Ross and Bring Our Wealth Home Co-Organizer Zakiya Alake are presenting a program on Black Brown Wealth Matters: The Impact of the Foreclosure Crisis on Communities of Color. This program is presented … Continue reading

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