The legislative session is nearing a close, and MAAPL and its allies have been working hard to show the leadership in the Legislature that they need to address the foreclosure crisis before the end of this session. Thanks to the actions of our partners and advocates, we are getting the most receptive responses ever from legislators across the board.
With the bipartisan help of Rep. Denise Provost and Rep. Sheila Harrington (a mediator by profession), we got 70 Representatives to sign a letter to Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo saying they want municipalities to be able to enact Pre-Foreclosure Mediation and other programs! Rep. Tosada of Springfield has also “late-filed” a municipal Pre-Foreclosure Mediation bill to pass by Sunday.
We’ve created several ways the Speaker can move Pre-Foreclosure Mediation into law. But time is running short for action: We have the rest of this week and TWO DAYS of legislative voting on Saturday, July 30th and Sunday, July 31st to get our legislation passed! The voices of those directly harmed AND our allies are critical in making the case for legislative action against further unnecessary and illegal foreclosures. It’s up to us to push this through now!
Let’s show our statewide strength: Call Speaker DeLeo and your State Representative on Wednesday, July 27th and Thursday, July 28th. Tell them you want Pre-Foreclosure Mediation made law now!
Use the call-in script below to guide you in making your calls, and then see the further steps you can take below to act in support of our legislation.
Script for Wednesday & Thursday phone calls:
“Hi! My name is ______ and I live in ______. I just phoned the Speaker/my State Representative. Massachusetts towns and cities need Pre-Foreclosure Mediation now. Foreclosures have doubled since last year, and they look to double again this fall. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court said mediation is legal if the Legislature gives permission. Give permission—Make it law this session!”
Speaker DeLeo’s phone number: 617-722-2500
If you know your Representative, call 617-722-2000 and ask to be connected to their office.
Don’t know who your State Representative is? Go to, enter your mailing address to find your elected representatives, and then click their name to view their phone number.
Other steps you can take this week to fight foreclosures:
✓ March the Marble Halls yourself! Join us this week at the State House to go office-to-office (especially on Saturday and Sunday). Contact Grace Ross for more details:; 617-299-5591
✓ Ask your local town and city officials to support this legislation by calling or writing their leaders on Beacon Hill.
✓ Continue sending Letters to the Editor to your local newspaper.
✓ Watch for a possible hearing on Rep.Tosado’s just-filed Municipal Powers bill.