MAAPL is deeply pleased to announce that the New England Area Conference of the NAACP is awarding Grace Ross–our able coordinator–their highest honor: the Chaney Goodman Schwerner Award for lifelong achievement!

Grace Ross (left) stands with fellow organizers to protest foreclosures in Worcester.
The NAACP didn’t just select Grace for her long-term, unyielding commitment to racial justice. That is a key part of her psyche. They chose Grace because MAAPL–with her leadership–raises up and empowers those whom predatory lenders targeted first and worst: Communities of Color. Together with these communities, MAAPL fights to bring home justice for all: to reverse the illegal loans and the foreclosures that have decimated Massachusetts communities.
The NAACP New England Area Conference Dinner & Award Ceremony honoring MAAPL’s Grace Ross takes place at 6:00 pm on Saturday, Sept. 24th in Beverly, MA. Please contact MAAPL at for more information about this event.
Congratulations, Grace, on this well-deserved honor!
In conjunction with this award from the NAACP NEAC, we are launching an Emergency Fundraising Drive to enable MAAPL and its partners like the NAACP to reach out to the thousands of homeowners—many of them people of color—who have been illegally foreclosed in Massachusetts, and ensure that they know their rights in foreclosure and can take timely action to challenge their foreclosure in court.
74,000 Massachusetts homes have been illegally foreclosed. On January 1, 2017, the foreclosed homeowners’ right to sue to regain their homes disappears. No one has told these people that they must act now if they are to have a chance of overturning their foreclosure. But you can help MAAPL and its partners get the word out!
You Make the Difference! Please donate to MAAPL’s Bring our Wealth Home Fund today so we can organize in Massachusetts Communities of Color and reach out to foreclosed homeowners across the Commonwealth. We seek 100 people to donate $74 each to reach our September 30th goal of $7,400, and 1000 people for our December 31st goal of $74,000! It’s an ambitious goal, but we can reach it with your help.
Your generous gift to the Bring our Wealth Home Fund will bring justice to these communities as measured in the reclaiming of tens of thousands of homes and tens of billions of dollars illegally stripped from homeowners!
Please make your donation online today by clicking the yellow Donate button to the right of this article near the top of the page (look for the Support MAAPL headline beneath the Search box), or you can mail your check (made out to MAAPL) to MAAPL: Bring Our Wealth Home, c/o 10 Oxford St., #2R, Worcester, MA 01609.
Please share this information with your friends and networks through email and social media—simply click the Share button below, and then click the button for your preferred sharing method. The more people we can reach, the more likely it is that we will achieve our goal and be able to save thousands homes lost in the foreclosure crisis.