UPDATE: MAAPL has updated its S2015 Factsheet ( PDF ) and created a new Factsheet: Who is Harmed/Who is Helped By S2015? ( PDF ). Download both Factsheets to learn more about why S2015 is harmful to Massachusetts homeowners and will not clear title to foreclosed homes!
“Massachusetts Law and Limitation of Actions Challenging Foreclosure” ( PDF ) by Sarah McKee, a legal memo that examines issues related to S2015, specifically those dealing with the practice of foreclosure by entry, is also now available to download.
MAAPL has received the following three letters from experts in the legal and title research fields and from prominent leaders in Massachusetts communities of color raising important arguments against S2015, which is facing a vote in the MA House of Representatives on Wednesday, October 14th.
- Senate 2015 “Unconstitutional” says National Constitutional Expert ( PDF )
- Senate 2015 Would Codify Massive Harm to Communities of Color ( PDF )
- We Cannot Use Senate 2015, Say Title Examiners ( PDF )
The grave concerns raised by these experts and community leaders demonstrate the dangers to Massachusetts homeowners, neighborhoods and communities posed by S2015.
Please join us in opposing this bill–MAAPL’s Call-In Day is today: Tuesday, October 13th! Call or email your State Representative NOW to tell them to vote NO ON S2015!