Support MAAPL
Please help support our work to end the foreclosure crisis and protect homes, neighborhoods and communities with your generous, tax-deductible donation.
If you prefer to give by check, you can send your gift (make check payable to MAAPL) to MAAPL, c/o Grace Ross, 10 Oxford St. #2R, Worcester, MA 01609.
Thank you for your generous support of our work!Join the Next MAAPL Info Call!
Fighting foreclosure (past or present)? Join our next Info Call to learn how to defend your legal rights!
Info Calls will happen every Sunday at 5 pm until further notice.
To join the next call, dial (667) 770-1242, and use the code 9848314 when prompted.
MAAPL/WAFT Clinics Open to All Facing Foreclosure
MAAPL and The Worcester Anti-Foreclosure Team (WAFT), a MAAPL member group, gather every Monday night from 6-8 pm for pre-auction clinics, now happening online via Zoom.
For anyone who is pre-Foreclosure Auction, this is your chance to learn your case and start filing things to potentially forever stave off a foreclosure.Please join us via Zoom on Monday nights from 6-8 pm. Click this link to join the meeting.Meeting ID: 824 8313 2035
Passcode: 154725
Participant code: 304621MAAPL Returning Fighters! Meeting via ZoomThis meeting happens every Thursday from 6-7 pm. Click this link to join the meeting.
The Mass. Alliance Against Predatory Lending (MAAPL) is a coalition of approximately 70 housing counseling agencies, legal services groups, social service agencies, and community-based social action groups that have joined together to address the foreclosure crisis in Massachusetts.
Join us in the fight against predatory and fraudulent lending practices, help keep families in their homes, and support the passage of bills to protect homeowners and neighborhoods throughout Massachusetts!
Allied Organizations
Take Action! Nov. 17th MAAPL Call-In Day to the MA Senate
Your voice gets results! Call your state Senator TODAY!
Also call Senate President Karen Spilka (617-722-1500); Senate Ways & Means Chairman Rodrigues (617-722-1114) and Vice-Chair Friedman (617-722-1432).
Ask them to put the Foreclosure & Eviction Moratorium language in the State Budget and support critical anti-foreclosure amendments.
Unlike the House budget, there is no one amendment to get a moratorium reinstated! So, ask for it in general and let your state Senator know why it is life-threatening not to have a moratorium and mention the two amendments that provide pieces of a moratorium!
Then, email your friends and family, post to Facebook, Twitter and other networks and connections you have. Ask them to call their legislators too. Let’s Create a Tidal Surge of Voices Against Foreclosure!
Here’s what to do:
If you don’t know who your senator is, go to Type in your address. It will tell you whom your elected officials are and their phone numbers.
What do I say? Leave the message below (Legislator’s offices are empty but staff check phones regularly]:
“Hello, my name is . I live in [name of your town].
Please vote for the following anti-foreclosure budget amendments. Tell President Spilka, Ways & Means Chair Rodrigues and Vice-Chair Friedman you support them:
• Amendment #410: Stop taxing mortgage debt reduction in Massachusetts when you receive a mortgage modification or lose your home to foreclosure.
• Amendment #58: Create the Resolution Trust Fund so illegally-held, overpriced mortgages can be rewritten for homeowners to afford and paid into a state fund which help rebuild our economy and the communities hardest hit by foreclosures.
• Re-instate the moratorium on foreclosures and evictions – we need this entire life-saving law! Especially given a curfew from 10pm to 5am and that children have to learn remotely. Please support amendments #362 and #388 and add a complete moratorium.
Please, as my Senator, will you fight to protect our homes during this COVID-19 emergency?
Thank you.”
When you have finished the call, e-mail Grace Ross, MAAPL Coordinator. Tell her who your Legislators are and that you asked them to get crucial anti-foreclosure language into the State Budget:
This entry was posted in For Your Information, Take Action! and tagged Action Alert, Call-In Day, MA Senate, state budget. Bookmark the permalink.