Thanks to dogged efforts The House amendment to the damaging S1987 is still in play. A ten year window to sue and get your home back protects homeowners all the way back to the early foreclosures in communities of color in 2004 and 2005. AND part of this amendment also gives everyone a 3 year grandfathering to sue from whenever it is signed.
Please make your two calls AND distribute this widely! Remind folks – these calls REALLY matter.
Call your State Representative and the Speaker of the House Today! Tell them, “Thanks for change to 10 year Right to Sue or please no bill at all! Support the House version of S1987.”
For 10 days, our combined efforts made a possibly devastating foreclosure bill better. S1987 curtails the longstanding right of foreclosed homeowners to sue to regain title to their home. The Senate voted to cut the 20 year window to sue down to 1 year for those already foreclosed on and 3 for anyone in the future. Because we spoke up, House leadership adopted MAAPL’s amendment as their own: A ten year window to sue for all. We will accept nothing less.
See this Fact Sheet on S1987 (Word file) for more details.
A vote is expected TODAY, TUESDAY, July 29th in the House. The Governor is with us in this so we MUST stay active to beat this.
Please call your State Representative. Say:
“Hi, my name is ______________. I live in _________________.
Please tell House leadership to stand firm. S1987, An Act to Clear Title to Foreclosed Properties, does NOT clear titles. Only if the House amendment is accepted in conference will homeowners not be harmed. The House “Ten year window to sue” must remain in the bill.
If the bill comes to the House floor for a vote again, only support it if it has the ten year window.”
Please call the Speaker of the House 617-722-2500. Say:
“Hi, my name is ______________. I live in _________________.
THANK YOU for protecting homeowners with a 10 year window to sue and get our illegally foreclosed homes back! I and people I know need this window – please keep it! S1987, An Act to Clear Title to Foreclosed Properties does NOT clear titles. Only the House amendment insures will homeowners not be harmed. The House “Ten year window to sue” must remain in the bill.”
Feel free to tell them maps of the massive ramp up in foreclosure activity in the last 2 months can be seen at
SERIOUSLY, if you missed getting your members and friends to call in yesterday – do it today.
THANKS! We are having an amazing impact – keep it up – we need to show the financial industry they don’t tell our legislature what to do!
*P.S. If you don’t know who your State Representative is, go to, enter your address, when the screen displays your voting information, scroll down to “Your elected officials are” and find your state Representative’s and Senator’s name there.
Then you can call the switchboard at 617-722-2000, press 2, then 0 and ask to be transferred to your Representative’s office.