Action Alert: Call Your Rep. TODAY, 10/13 to Stop S2015!

Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 14th, 2015, the Massachusetts House of Representatives will vote on S2015: the Title Insurers’ bill to confiscate our constitutional property rights and curtail our right to sue to regain illegally foreclosed property. This is the same bill as S1981–it was renumbered after it passed the Senate in September. Today, we need to let our State Representatives know that S2015 is bad for Massachusetts homeowners, families and communities!

Late Friday afternoon, we learned that S2015 had been quietly scheduled for a vote tomorrow. MAAPL is holding a Call-In Day today, Tuesday, October 13th. Your Representative needs to hear from you on this bill! MAAPL will file amendments and fight hard to stop this bill’s bad elements, but your call urging your Representative to oppose the bill and to support MAAPL’s proposed amendments will help us win. The Legislature couldn’t take away our rights last summer–They won’t be successful this year either.

Read and download the updated Fact Sheet on S2015 here ( PDF )

Please make your call and/or send your email now! Choose from one of these three quick messages…

Vote NO on S2015.  It doesn’t clear title to illegally foreclosed homes:

  • S2015 strips us of our constitutional property rights and reverses key court decisions enforcing vital mortgage contract rights.
  • 68,000 Massachusetts homeowners were illegally foreclosed in the past 10 years. Banks must be held accountable for their illegal foreclosures.
  • The loans on most Massachusetts homes foreclosed in the past decade were illegal and the homes were over-priced. Denying these homeowners the right to the full time period to sue is unfair.

Don’t know your Rep’s phone number or e-mail address?
Go to, and type in your street address. It will tell you who your elected officials are. Scroll down the page and click on your Representative’s name to see their phone number and email address. Make a note of this information so you can make your call and send your email to them.

Thanks for making your call and sending your email–together we can win against the threat of S2015!

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Action Alert: Call or Email Your Rep. Today–Stop S2015!

MAAPL has learned that this Wednesday, October 14th, 2015, the Massachusetts House of Representatives will vote on S2015: the Title Insurers’ bill to confiscate our constitutional property rights and curtail our right to sue to regain illegally foreclosed property. This is the same bill as S1981–it was renumbered after it passed the Senate in September.

Today, you can make a difference and help us fight against this bill! Simply make a quick call, email, or both to your state Representative and tell them: Vote NO on S2015!

Choose from one of these three quick messages…

Vote NO on S2015.  It doesn’t clear title to illegally foreclosed homes:

  • S2015 strips us of our constitutional property rights and reverses key court decisions enforcing vital mortgage contract rights.
  • 68,000 Massachusetts homeowners were illegally foreclosed in the past 10 years. Banks must be held accountable for their illegal foreclosures.
  • The loans on most Massachusetts homes foreclosed in the past decade were illegal and the homes were over-priced. Denying these homeowners the right to the full time period to sue is unfair.

Don’t know your Rep’s phone number or e-mail address?
Go to, and type in your street address. It will tell you who your elected officials are. Scroll down the page and click on your Representative’s name to see their phone number and email address. Make a note of this information so you can make your call and send your email to them.

Stay tuned for more information about this Tuesday’s big Call-In Day with more detailed education for our Reps!

Thanks for making your call and sending your email–together we can win against the threat of S2015!

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DC Day of Action on Fannie and Freddie

Here are some news stories from the recent Day of Action on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that took place in Washington, DC on Wednesday, September 30th.

Warren Demands HUD Curb Sales of Sour Mortgage Loans to Private Equity. Bloomberg, Sept 30, 2015 By Cheyenne Hopkins and Heather Perlberg

Hedge Funds: The Ultimate Absentee Landlords.
The American Prospect, Sept 29, 2015 By Peter Dreier & Aditi Sen

Elizabeth Warren protests sale of distressed home loans to Wall Street.
AlJazeera America, September 30, 2015

Hedge Funds Keep Winning Government Auctions to Buy Single Family Homes. Elizabeth Warren is Crying Foul. Think Progress, Sept 30, 2015 By Alan Pyke

Elizabeth Warren is on the Hunt Again. Washington Post, Sept 30, 2015 By Dana Milbank

FHFA to housing protesters:  Neighborhood stabilization is shared priority. Housing Wire, Sept 30, 2015 By Trey Garrison

Elizabeth Warren Leads Protest of Agency NPL Practices. DS News, Sept 30, 2015

Senator Elizabeth Warren to Join Call to Alter Sales of Distressed Loans. New York Times, Sept 30, 2015 By Matthew Goldstein

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Action Alert: Boston Right to Remain Assembly on Oct. 3rd, 2015

Gentrification is hitting Boston hard, perhaps harder than foreclosures themselves have hit residents. In recognition of this fact, the Boston #Right2Remain 2015 Assembly is a collective effort to highlight and support the inner-connections of our neighborhood Stabilization Fights and build power and support for passing Just Cause Eviction.

Show Boston We Have the #Right2Remain, and We Mean Business!

Join hundreds of renters, home-owners, low-income residents, people of color and immigrants at the Boston #Right2Remain Coalition’s 2015 Assembly – Grassroots Power to Remain, Reclaim, Rebuild Boston on:

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Assembly: 9:30 am-1 pm
Location: Vietnamese American Community Center (VACC)
42 Charles St, Dorchester (near the Fields Corner stop on the Red Line)

Collective Action: 1-2 pm
Location: Gather at the Fields Corner T stop on the Red Line, at the Charles St. exit

Hundreds will gather and direct testimony about the citywide displacement crisis toward city council candidates, who will be invited to attend the morning plenary. Grassroots activists will also plan strategies and tactics for passing Just Cause Eviction, breaking down by city council district, and will share a variety of organizing approaches to the displacement crisis through interactive and cultural activities. Topics will include inclusionary development policy, community land trusts and community control of public land, creation of neighborhood stabilization zones, and struggles for local hiring and community benefit standards.

Make sure your voice is heard and our community is strong on critical issues of housing, zoning, jobs, land and transit policies that our communities are actively fighting for. Advance the campaign for a #JustCauseEviction law, and build shared power among Boston’s communities to stand united for our #Right2Remain and influence Boston’s 2015 Municipal Elections.

Register today (lunch is included) and learn more at

You can also visit the Facebook Event page for updated information.

Contacts: Darnell Johnson, Right to the City Boston at or
Kadineyse Ramize Pena, Boston Tenant Coalition at

Help spread the word!
Flyers are available in English ( PDF )
and Spanish ( PDF ).

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MA Dems Pass Resolution Supporting Foreclosure Review Court

On Saturday, September 19th, thousands of Democratic Party delegates to the 2015 State Party Convention in Springfield, MA passed a resolution for “A Court to Clear Title and Remedy Foreclosures in This Ongoing Crisis”.

“We had an overwhelming, positive support from Democrats – garnering 280 petition signatures and then sharing the resolution with Convention participants,” explained Bonnie MacCracken, Delegate from Amherst, NAACP member, and a title examiner.

The resolution in support of S871, An Act to Establish Foreclosure Review Division of the Superior Court, was passed unanimously by the assembled Delegates.

Download MAAPL’s press release on the vote ( PDF ).

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Update: S1981 Passes Senate, Fight Moves to House

On Thursday, September 17th, the MA Senate voted on S1981, a bill that would restrict homeowners to 1 year (down from 20 years) to sue in order to regain their home after illegal foreclosure. The final Senate vote was 7 against the bill, 31 in favor. However, the bill that was passed included several amendments that were supported by MAAPL, including a provision for punitive damages for illegally foreclosed homeowners and notification to all foreclosed homeowners of the timeframe to bring a lawsuit. For an account of the Senate vote and deliberations on the bill, see this State House News article.

MAAPL will continue to fight S1981 as it moves to the House of Representatives.

A year and a half ago, the Senate passed the original bill, with no amendments, in twenty minutes without discussion. This year, they discussed it extensively, and were very concerned and better educated about the impact of the bill. MAAPL members and supporters flooded the Senate with calls urging their Senators to oppose S1981, leaders of communities of color sent a letter to the Senate ( PDF ), and a renowned Constitutional expert also wrote a letter regarding the constitutionality of S1981 ( PDF ). MAAPL members also met with 30 Senate offices in the weeks preceding the vote to provide in-depth information about the bill.

Stay tuned for more information and upcoming actions in advance of the S1981 vote in the House of Representatives. Thanks to everyone who participated in MAAPL’s Senate Call-In Days, who wrote letters and signed on to the leaders of color letter, and worked to help us stop S1981 on the Senate floor.

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Action Alert: Senate Call-In Day Tomorrow, Sept. 16th!

TOMORROW, Wednesday, September 16th: please call the Massachusetts Senate to “Stop S1981!”

The Senate is listening to us. We are told that only pressure from constituents will move Senators now.

Senate Bill 1981 – It takes away your constitutional right to protect your home AND doesn’t clear title to foreclosed homes. It will essentially give years of illegalities a free pass, and codify the discrimination that makes Massachusetts THE STATE WITH THE BIGGEST DIVIDE BETWEEN WHITE AND PEOPLE OF COLOR HOMEOWNERSHIP!

Please share this notice with your networks and friends now: Make “Oppose S1981” Senate calls on TOMORROW the 16th!

The Call-In instructions and script are below. You can also download a background Fact Sheet on S1981 ( PDF ) and a Fact Sheet on S871 ( PDF ), the Foreclosure Review Court bill that will actually clear title to foreclosed homes.

MAAPL September 16th Call-In Day

Your voice gets results! Call your state Senator. Ask them to oppose S1981: It takes away the rights of 68,000 to sue to get their home back!

Here’s what you do:

If you don’t know who your state senator is, go to Type in your address. It will tell you whom your elected officials are. Click on your senator’s name and you will see their phone number. Make a note of it, then make your call!

What do I say on the phone?

“Hello, my name is                     . I live in name of your town. I’m calling to ask you to oppose S1981: Accept ALL MAAPL amendments. And vote for a Foreclosure Review Court instead! My family, friends and neighbors need the right to sue for our illegally foreclosed homes in court.

Instead, S1981:

  • Steals our Constitutional right to protect our property in court from illegal bank practices;
  • Refuses to notify people that their 20 year window to sue is slammed down to 1 year;
  • Will codify illegal foreclosures and worsen the divide between white homeowners and people of color–already the worst in the US AND in violation of the 14th amendment.

68,000 Massachusetts residents were illegally foreclosed: Only a court can sort out this mess!

Please vote against S1981, and put S871 in its place. That bill creates a special Foreclosure Review Court. This court will clear title and do it fairly.

As my Senator, will you do that?

Thank you.”

When you have finished the call, please e-mail Grace Ross, MAAPL coordinator. Tell her who your Senator is and what they or their aide answered:

Thank you for taking action and making your call! Together we can turn the tide and defeat S1981!

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Action Alert: Keep the Calls Coming In!

Thanks to everyone who participated in our September 3rd Senate Call-In Day! We got a great response, and many Senators heard from their constituents about the dangers of S1981. But we need to keep reaching out to maintain the momentum against the interests that are backing this bill!

Our Senate Call-In campaign is continuing from now through Thursday, September 17th, 2015. Spread the word to your friends, families, and networks and urge them to call today! Massachusetts homeowners need to keep their right to sue in the event of illegal foreclosure intact. Make sure your MA Senator hears the message loud and clear: Oppose S1981–it doesn’t clear title to foreclosed properties, and Support S871, which creates a Foreclosure Review Court that will clear titles fairly!

The Call-In instructions and script are below. You can also check out our background Fact Sheet on S1981 ( PDF ). Also, we now have a Fact Sheet on S871 ( PDF ), the Foreclosure Review Court bill that will actually clear title to foreclosed homes.

Your voice gets results! Call your state Senator, and ask them to oppose S1981: It doesn’t clear title to Foreclosed Properties!

Here’s what you do:

If you don’t know who your state senator is, go to Type in your street address. It will tell you who your elected officials are. Click on your senator’s name and you will see their phone number. Make a note of the number, and then make your call.

What do I say on the phone?

Hello, my name is                     . I live in [name of your town]. I’m calling to ask you to oppose S1981: It doesn’t clear title to foreclosed properties. My family, friends and neighbors need the right to sue for our illegally foreclosed homes in court.

Instead, S1981:

  • Steals our Constitutional right to protect our property in court from illegal bank practices;
  • Refuses to notify people that their 20 year window to sue is slammed down to 1 year;
  • And it will ruin our housing market when the media report thousands trying to sue in less than a year.

 68,000 Massachusetts residents were illegally foreclosed–Only a court can sort out this mess!

Please vote against S1981, and put S871 in its place. That bill creates a special Foreclosure Review Court that will clear title and do it fairly.

As my Senator, will you do that?

Thank you.


When you have finished the call, please e-mail Grace Ross, MAAPL coordinator, at Tell her who your Senator is, and how they or their aide responded to your call.

Thank you for taking action to Defeat S1981
and Support S871!

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Action Alert: Call Your MA State Senator on 9/3! Defeat S1981!

On Thursday, September 3rd, 2015, the Mass. Alliance Against Predatory Lending (MAAPL) is holding a Massachusetts State Senate Call-In Day. We are asking our senators to Oppose S1981: It doesn’t clear title to foreclosed properties.

Please share this message widely, and alert your friends and networks now: Prepare to make your “Oppose S1981” Senate calls on Thursday, 9/3/15!

The Call-In instructions and script are below. You can also check out our background Fact Sheet on S1981 ( PDF ). Also, we now have a Fact Sheet on S871 ( PDF ), the Foreclosure Review Court bill that will actually clear title to foreclosed homes.

Your voice gets results! Call your state Senator, and ask them to oppose S1981: It doesn’t clear title to Foreclosed Properties!

Here’s what you do:

If you don’t know who your state senator is, go to Type in your street address. It will tell you who your elected officials are. Click on your senator’s name and you will see their phone number. Make a note of the number, and then make your call.

What do I say on the phone?

“Hello, my name is                     . I live in [name of your town]. I’m calling to ask you to oppose S1981: It doesn’t clear title to foreclosed properties. My family, friends and neighbors need the right to sue for our illegally foreclosed homes in court.

Instead, S1981:

  • Steals our Constitutional right to protect our property in court from illegal bank practices;
  • Refuses to notify people that their 20 year window to sue is slammed down to 1 year;
  • And it will ruin our housing market when the media report thousands trying to sue in less than a year;

 68,000 Massachusetts residents were illegally foreclosed–Only a court can sort out this mess!

Please vote against S1981, and put S871 in its place. That bill creates a special Foreclosure Review Court that will clear title and do it fairly.

As my Senator, will you do that?

Thank you.”

When you have finished the call, please e-mail Grace Ross, MAAPL coordinator, at Tell her who your Senator is, and how they or their aide responded to your call.

Thank you for taking action to defeat S1981 and support S871! Together, we can preserve our right to sue in the case of illegal foreclosure and keep Massachusetts families in their homes!

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Update: MA Senators Postpone Vote on S.1981

On Thursday, July 30th, a scheduled vote on Senate Bill 1981 was postponed to give Senators more time to consider the impact and consequences of the bill. An earlier version of this bill, S.1987, was defeated last summer thanks to the work of the Massachusetts Alliance Against Predatory Lending (MAAPL) and its supporters, as well as action taken by Gov. Deval Patrick to reinstate an amendment to preserve homeowners’ right to sue. S.1981 was filed by the Title Insurance industry to lower their risk insuring foreclosed properties by very significantly narrowing the ability of illegally foreclosed homeowners to sue to regain their homes.  MAAPL, together with the thousands of homeowners who stand to lose their property rights, applaud Senator Jamie Eldridge for his thoughtful tabling of the bill.

On Monday, July 27th, S.1981 was suddenly put on the schedule for a vote Thursday, July 30th by the Massachusetts Senate. In response to this action, several of those directly affected took to the halls of the State House to speak to Senators, and hundreds of calls came from around the state urging the Senators to oppose the bill, which would have stripped homeowners of their constitutional property rights.

MAAPL and its dozens of partners thank the numerous Senators who committed to explore in-depth this incredibly complicated and far-reaching legislation.  MAAPL agrees with them that the three days from when it was reported out of the Senate Ways & Means committee—a period that also included numerous override votes—was inadequate for properly understanding the bill’s language and implications.

Both MAAPL representatives and illegally foreclosed homeowners promise to speak with and provide real life examples and legal information to all interested legislators. “We already have been reached out to by over half a dozen Senate offices,” said a very thankful Grace Ross, Coordinator of the Mass Alliance Against Predatory Lending.

Please check the MAAPL web site for updates and additional information regarding this bill, as well as any related Action Alerts and other news. More information on S.1981, including MAAPL’s Fact Sheets on the Bill and amendments, is available at

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