MAAPL’s pre-auction clinics are having hugely effective results in getting auctions postponed and even cancelled. In the process, we are turning up evidence of criminal actions by the banks!
Normally, our clinics are every Monday night from 6 – 8 PM. However, given that Mondays for the next two weeks fall on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, we will be holding our clinics on Sunday, December 23rd and December 30th from 6 PM to 8 PM, at the same location, 70 James Street, Suite #129B, Worcester, MA 01603.
For more information, please contact or call 508-630-1686.
Injustice takes no vacation for the holidays, so we are here to fight for one of the greatest gifts that we can give, which is: people can keep their homes!
Please note that our Sunday night call in sessions will be at the regular 5 PM time, and we will simply end it early. The phone number for the weekly call is 515-739-1220, and the code to join the conference call is 794420.