Author Archives: MAAPL


The Mass. Alliance Against Predatory Lending (MAAPL) is a coalition of over 60 housing counseling agencies, legal services groups, social service agencies, and community-based social action groups that have joined together to address the foreclosure crisis in Massachusetts. MAAPL collects and distributes timely information on the foreclosure crisis and its effects to the public and to its member groups, drafts and supports legislation that provides important protections to homeowners and tenants facing foreclosure and eviction, documents the impact of the foreclosure crisis on local communities, networks with related organizations throughout the Commonwealth, and provides tools and information to help people navigate the legal system and advocate on their own behalf more effectively when challenging a foreclosure or eviction in court

Action Alert: Call Your Rep. TODAY, 10/13 to Stop S2015!

Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 14th, 2015, the Massachusetts House of Representatives will vote on S2015: the Title Insurers’ bill to confiscate our constitutional property rights and curtail our right to sue to regain illegally foreclosed property. This is the same bill as … Continue reading

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Action Alert: Call or Email Your Rep. Today–Stop S2015!

MAAPL has learned that this Wednesday, October 14th, 2015, the Massachusetts House of Representatives will vote on S2015: the Title Insurers’ bill to confiscate our constitutional property rights and curtail our right to sue to regain illegally foreclosed property. This … Continue reading

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DC Day of Action on Fannie and Freddie

Here are some news stories from the recent Day of Action on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that took place in Washington, DC on Wednesday, September 30th. Warren Demands HUD Curb Sales of Sour Mortgage Loans to Private Equity. Bloomberg, … Continue reading

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Action Alert: Boston Right to Remain Assembly on Oct. 3rd, 2015

Gentrification is hitting Boston hard, perhaps harder than foreclosures themselves have hit residents. In recognition of this fact, the Boston #Right2Remain 2015 Assembly is a collective effort to highlight and support the inner-connections of our neighborhood Stabilization Fights and build … Continue reading

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MA Dems Pass Resolution Supporting Foreclosure Review Court

On Saturday, September 19th, thousands of Democratic Party delegates to the 2015 State Party Convention in Springfield, MA passed a resolution for “A Court to Clear Title and Remedy Foreclosures in This Ongoing Crisis”. “We had an overwhelming, positive support … Continue reading

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Update: S1981 Passes Senate, Fight Moves to House

On Thursday, September 17th, the MA Senate voted on S1981, a bill that would restrict homeowners to 1 year (down from 20 years) to sue in order to regain their home after illegal foreclosure. The final Senate vote was 7 … Continue reading

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Action Alert: Senate Call-In Day Tomorrow, Sept. 16th!

TOMORROW, Wednesday, September 16th: please call the Massachusetts Senate to “Stop S1981!” The Senate is listening to us. We are told that only pressure from constituents will move Senators now. Senate Bill 1981 – It takes away your constitutional right to … Continue reading

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Action Alert: Keep the Calls Coming In!

Thanks to everyone who participated in our September 3rd Senate Call-In Day! We got a great response, and many Senators heard from their constituents about the dangers of S1981. But we need to keep reaching out to maintain the momentum … Continue reading

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Action Alert: Call Your MA State Senator on 9/3! Defeat S1981!

On Thursday, September 3rd, 2015, the Mass. Alliance Against Predatory Lending (MAAPL) is holding a Massachusetts State Senate Call-In Day. We are asking our senators to Oppose S1981: It doesn’t clear title to foreclosed properties. Please share this message widely, … Continue reading

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Update: MA Senators Postpone Vote on S.1981

On Thursday, July 30th, a scheduled vote on Senate Bill 1981 was postponed to give Senators more time to consider the impact and consequences of the bill. An earlier version of this bill, S.1987, was defeated last summer thanks to … Continue reading

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