Athol Anti-Foreclosure Clinic
Tues. Dec. 20 5:30-7:30 pm
Athol Public Library, 568 Main Street, Athol, MA
To RSVP or for more information, email us at or call 508-630-1686.
Download and share the flyer for this clinic (PDF)
Did you know—
- Most foreclosures were Illegal.
- You have 20 years to Reverse Your Foreclosure and Retake Your Home or receive Full Restitution?
- You must Act Now—by December 31st—to preserve your constitutional property rights!
You must file at the Registry of Deeds because the industry got a bad law passed.
If you were “foreclosed” before 2014, you only have UNTIL DEC 31st, 2016 TO FILE to maintain your 20 year right to your home!
(If your foreclosure was after 2014, you will have three years to file.)
Make sure this new law and the banks NEVER take away your rights!
MAAPL offers you free materials, support, information and guidance on some simple steps to protect your rights.
Let’s put the banks on notice that their ability to destroy the lives of people in Massachusetts is over!
Share this info with anyone you know who has been foreclosed or is facing foreclosure!