Massachusetts home foreclosures — still at historic levels!
Want some fun? Can you spot the forged signatures on actual mortgage Notes and documents (PDF) that banks are using to foreclose on Massachusetts families?
- If anyone you know faces foreclosure, it’s urgent: Get in touch with MAAPL ASAP! It’s free.
- Most of the 96,000 Mass. foreclosures are illegal – many with multiple felony violations.
- Largest driver of the U.S. wealth divide: Predatory mortgages and foreclosures. They hit people of color and women heads of households first and worst. Now they hit anyone: 1 in 13 MA households.
- How to reverse the injustice, and return tens of billions of dollars of wealth, stability, and spending power stripped from our Massachusetts economy? Your awareness, engagement and help!
- Support our Legislation: 10 powerful bills to halt and reverse the still-historic crisis!
For anyone who’s foreclosed, stay in your home after foreclosure! Only a judge’s order can evict a homeowner/tenant from a supposedly foreclosed home. And join us on any Sunday 5-7 pm info call.