Action Alert! MAAPL Bills Need Co-Sponsors–Contact Your Legislators Today!

5:00pm this Monday, February 2nd, is the NEW deadline for our State Representatives to sign on as co-sponsors of bills.

MAAPL has three Priority (and 9 total) pro-people, anti-foreclosure bills, and we need legislator co-sponsors for them all!

TODAY–Thursday, Jan. 29th–is our CALL-IN DAY! Please call your own state Representative (and any other ones you have clout with!), and ask them to co-sponsor our bills. Calling your Senator is also helpful although there is no deadline.

Last summer, our calls and advocacy stopped S1987 from curtailing our right to sue if illegally foreclosed on. This year, let’s put new rights and good programs in the place of bad foreclosure practices! To do that, we need as many legislative co-sponsors as possible.

Here is a Summary Fact Sheet ( PDF ) if you want more information about these bills.

It’s quick and easy: Just follow these steps…

1. Look up your State Representative’s phone number. If you don’t know who your Representative is, go to, and enter your address. When the response screen displays, scroll down to the “District Representatives” box, and find your State Representative’s and Senator’s name there. Make a note of their names.

2. Call the State House switchboard at 617-722-2000, press 2, then 0, and ask to be transferred to your Representative’s office.

3. When your Representative’s aide answers the phone, use this sample script to request that your Representative co-sponsor our bills:
“Hi, may I speak to Rep. XXXX’s office?

My name is XXXX and I am from {xxxx city or town or xxxx organization}.

I have been dealing with foreclosure issues for XXX years and I am asking, please, that the Representative co-sponsor at least 3 critical bills now:

– Post-forelcosure rental for homeowners #HD3200. Since passed, post-foreclosure rental for tenants has been VERY successful, but much of the state needs homeowners to be covered too to benefit.

– Pre-foreclosure mediation #HD2615. CT’s program is providing 91% of participants an alternative to foreclosure.

– Foreclosure Review Court #HD3525. This bill provides a way to actually clear post-foreclosure titles to property for the both those previously foreclosed and for new buyers…

Foreclosure activity was up 323% Dec. 2014 over a year earlier. Please visit for more information and thank you!”

If you want to see the MAAPL bills and accompanying fact sheets right now, go to the MAAPL web site.

After you call, please contact MAAPL at and let us know who you called and what response you got to your request.


The Mass. Alliance Against Predatory Lending (MAAPL) is a coalition of over 60 housing counseling agencies, legal services groups, social service agencies, and community-based social action groups that have joined together to address the foreclosure crisis in Massachusetts. MAAPL collects and distributes timely information on the foreclosure crisis and its effects to the public and to its member groups, drafts and supports legislation that provides important protections to homeowners and tenants facing foreclosure and eviction, documents the impact of the foreclosure crisis on local communities, networks with related organizations throughout the Commonwealth, and provides tools and information to help people navigate the legal system and advocate on their own behalf more effectively when challenging a foreclosure or eviction in court
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One Response to Action Alert! MAAPL Bills Need Co-Sponsors–Contact Your Legislators Today!

  1. Pingback: What Does a 323% Increase in Foreclosures Look Like? | MAAPL – The Massachusetts Alliance Against Predatory Lending

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