Category Archives: Take Action!

Information about upcoming hearings, protests, rallies, and other ways you can take action to keep families in their homes and fight against the foreclosure crisis.

Leaders from Communities of Color Speak Out Against S1987

Leaders from Communities of Color Speak Out as Governor Deliberates: “Don’t Curtail Historic Right to Sue; Leave a Legacy of Opportunity to Recoup Homes Taken by Illegal Foreclosures As the deadline for the Governor to decide what of dozens of … Continue reading

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Update on S1987: Gov. Patrick Needs to Hear From You Now!

We are asking for a full court press to defeat S1987 now!  We have heard directly from the team responsible for review that it is still in the active process category! Governor Patrick could sign or veto the bill any … Continue reading

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Urgent! Call Governor Patrick Now–Tell Him to Veto S1987!

Take Action Now! UPDATE: We are asking for a full court press to defeat S1987 now!  We have heard directly from the team responsible for review that it is still in the active process category! Governor Patrick could sign or … Continue reading

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S1987 Coming Up for Vote–Call Your State Legislators Today!

Thanks to dogged efforts The House amendment to the damaging S1987 is still in play. A ten year window to sue and get your home back protects homeowners all the way back to the early foreclosures in communities of color … Continue reading

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Action Alert! MAAPL Flash Mob Press Conference Monday, July 28th!

Please join MAAPL at the State House on Monday, July 28th! All Out for a MAAPL Flash Mob Press Conference! Maps show Foreclosures on Dramatic Rise across the State–Slamming the Window Shut on the Right to Sue will Hurt Thousands! … Continue reading

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Call Your Legislators! Support the House Version of S1987 Now!

Your voice matters: call your State Representative and Senator Monday! Tell them, “10 year Right to Sue or no bill at all! Support the House version of S1987.” Last week, your efforts as part of MAAPL made some bad foreclosure … Continue reading

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Saturday, June 7th: Advancing the Anti-Foreclosure Movement

Dear Massachusetts Community Leaders, Organizers, Attorneys, Unionists, Advocates, Electeds, Neighbors, Friends, and Concerned Residents: Are you opposed to big banks? Support the 99%? It’s time to Advance the Anti-Foreclosure Movement! Come strategize next steps on Saturday, June 7, 2014 from … Continue reading

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Action Alert: Pre-foreclosure Mediation Bill Hearing at State House

Save the Date! Next Wednesday, February 26th, 2014 both the Senate (#425) and House (#947) bills for pre-foreclosure mediation, An Act to Facilitate Alternatives to Foreclosure, have a hearing! We need you to show up in support of these important … Continue reading

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MAAPL Releases Fact Sheet on Senate Bill S1987

The Mass. Alliance Against Predatory Lending has released a 2-page Fact Sheet on Senate Bill S1987, “An Act clearing titles to foreclosed properties”. The Fact Sheet summarizes the effects of the bill, and provides answers to questions about those effects … Continue reading

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Grace Ross Interviewed on WZBC on the Danger of S1987

On Saturday, January 25th, John Grebe of WZBC radio interviewed MAAPL Coordinator Grace Ross about the threat to Massachusetts homeowners posed by Senate Bill 1987. S1987 passed the Mass. Senate unanimously on Thursday, and has been submitted to the House … Continue reading

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