Category Archives: MAAPL in the News

News items and updates about MAAPL and its member organizations.

Action Alert! MAAPL Flash Mob Press Conference Monday, July 28th!

Please join MAAPL at the State House on Monday, July 28th! All Out for a MAAPL Flash Mob Press Conference! Maps show Foreclosures on Dramatic Rise across the State–Slamming the Window Shut on the Right to Sue will Hurt Thousands! … Continue reading

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City of Lynn Passes Foreclosure Ordinance

Lynn, Massachusetts implements strongest homeowner (and neighborhood and local bank) protections in face of foreclosures in the U.S. On June 17th, 2013, the City of Lynn, Massachusetts instituted the strongest municipal protections against the negative impacts of the foreclosure crisis … Continue reading

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Breaking News: Megabanks Continue to Violate AG Settlement, MA Law

Settlement Banks Continue Endemic Violations of Massachusetts Law; New study documents violations – foreclosure victims call for immediate action! May 28, 2012 – “With over 50,000 foreclosures and counting since this key state law became a requirement before any residential … Continue reading

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Breaking News: Brookline Town Meeting Passes Mortgage Mediation Resolution

Brookline, MA resident and two-term Town Meeting Member Merelice sponsored a resolution in Brookline Town Meeting that requires lenders to enter into mediation with homeowners to try to keep them in their homes rather than foreclose on them and potentially … Continue reading

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MAAPL Coordinator Grace Ross Interviewed on WGBH Radio

On Friday, November 2nd, MAAPL Coordinator Grace Ross was interviewed by WGBH’s Phillip Martin as part of WGBH’s “30 Issues in 30 Days” series. In this interview, Grace talks about the foreclosure crisis in Massachusetts, its impact on the state … Continue reading

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MAAPL Letter to Gov. Patrick: Eliminate Harmful Measures in Foreclosure Bill

Legal Experts, Housing Advocates to Gov. Patrick: Eliminate Harmful Measures in Foreclosure Bill Letter calls on governor to remove last minute anti-homeowner additions, prompt right-to-rent task force to action this year BEACON HILL – Legal experts and housing advocates today … Continue reading

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Press Release: 11th Hour Provision Sells Out Victims of Illegal Foreclosure

MAAPL: 11th Hour Provision Sells Out Victims of Illegal Foreclosure Last-minute addition to ‘compromise bill’ bars homeowners from reclaiming homes illegally-seized and sold to investors or other third parties. BEACON HILL – An 11th hour addition to the so-called “compromise” … Continue reading

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