Facing Foreclosure? Been Foreclosed? Complete Part 2 of our Form Below!

Please complete Part 2 of the sign-up form for MAAPL’s fight in the courts for justice for wrongfully and illegally foreclosed homeowners! If you haven’t filled out and submitted Part 1 of the form, please do so here.

Join with us now for justice reversing the illegal foreclosures or winning full compensation. Mass. residents like you are finally winning in our courts. Take action—with SO MANY of us that the government must dismantle this system-wide injustice!


If it has been 20 years or less since the alleged foreclosure of your home, you are definitely able to participate, so please fill out this form! If not, please email us at maaplinfo@gmail.com and someone will contact you to follow up.

Once you’ve signed up by completing the form below, please join our regular weekly Zoom meetings on Thursdays from 6-7 pm. Click here to join the meeting!

Note: An asterisk next to a question indicates a response must be entered.

Part 2: More detailed questions about your foreclosure…

Please complete as many of the questions below as possible. You may need to search for some of this information. We suggest you review all the questions before entering your responses in case you need to locate information in your foreclosure-related documents in order to answer some questions.

If this question is not applicable, enter "N/A" and move to the next question.
Please indicate the date of the original mortgage by adding "OP:" before the date. If this question is not applicable, enter "N/A" and move to the next question.
If not applicable, enter "N/A" in the First and Last boxes, and move to the next question.
If not applicable, enter "N/A" in the First and Last boxes, and move to the next question.
If not applicable, enter "N/A" in the First and Last boxes, and move to the next question.
If not applicable, or you can't remember the lawyer's name, enter "N/A" in the First and Last boxes, and move to the next question.
If not applicable, enter "N/A" in the First and Last boxes, and move to the next question.
If not applicable, enter "N/A" in the First and Last boxes, and move to the next question.
If not applicable, or you can't remember the advocate's name, enter "N/A" in the First and Last boxes, and move to the next question.
If not applicable, enter "N/A" in the First and Last boxes, and move to the next question.
If you can't remember the name of the court, enter "Can't Remember" and move to the next question. If there was no eviction case, enter "N/A" and move to the next question.
If you can't remember or find out their name, enter "Can't" for the First name and "Remember" for the Last name, and move to the next question.
If you can't remember or find out the organization's name, enter "Can't Remember" and move to the next question.
If you can't remember or find out the broker's name, enter "Can't" for the First name and "Remember" for the Last name, and move to the next question.
If you can't remember or find out their position/title, enter "Can't Remember", or if not applicable, enter "N/A", and move to the next question.
If you can't remember or find out their name, enter "Can't" for the First name and "Remember" for the Last name, and move to the next question. If not applicable, enter "N/A" in the First and Last boxes and move to the next question.
If not applicable, enter "N/A" and move to the next question.
If you can't remember or find out their name, enter "Can't Remember" and move to the next question.