Go to Go to www.Zillow.com with your web browser. Enter your property address in the search box in the upper middle of the page. Click the magnifying glass search icon the the right side of the search box or hit the enter key.
If your property is found it will show the listing page with the property address, skip to step 4 below. If your property is not found it displays the not found search page.
If your property is not found try entering a different spelling for the street name. There is another search window on the upper left hand corner of the search results page. For Example 11 Oak Hill Rd North Chelmsford is not found Try 11 OakHill rd North Chelmsford. Click the magnifying glass search icon the the right side of the search box or hit the enter key.
Then you will see the listing page for the property.
Scroll down the window on the center right side of the page. Then see the Price and Tax History section and it displays the price history.
Scroll down further and it shows Public Tax history for the past three years.
Click on See Complete Tax history and it shows the tax history by year. Scroll down to see each year.